Monday, December 17, 2007
so, I'm done with this blog...but my other one will be full of my profound thoughts.
lucky you.
Friday, December 07, 2007
London, another place I'm going to have to live...

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Spending some of the Holiday in Dublin and Belfast...

Monday, November 12, 2007
A few good things

Well, to be honest...the last couple of weeks back from Rome have been a little hard. I keep telling everyone that I love being in another country and the people and culture, but the circumstances of the program are frusterating at times. I do miss my friends and family, and also miss my days of independence. But things are still going. I did something amazing today. I went to the records library in Belfast. It was there that I was able to look up and ask for Amy Carmichael's letters from India to home. I sat and held her very own hand written and a hundred year old letters. I also looked through "Amma's photos." It was all of the pictures Amy had taken of her time in India. So, tons of black and white photos of little Indian babies.
For those of you who don't know...Amy Carmichael was a missionary from Ireland to India. She lived and worked in India for over 50 years of her life. She is an amazing women of God and my spiritual this was a great day. I held the very letter she wrote on a ship on her way to Japan in March of 1893. I read her words as she described seeing "the gleaming of the long coast line of Darkest Africa." I read on in amazement at the love she had for the Lord. This is something I copied down from one of her letters:
"The light-bearers so few and far between that today millions and millions whom Jesus died to win, are left to live and die unwon. Oh that His bride might awaken to the heart desire of her Bridge groom. E're the cry rings down 'Go ye forth to meet Him.' Truely if we go on leaving 'the voiceless silence of despair' unanswered, the heathen who we might tell, untold, we shall have to 'shrek in shame before Him at His coming.'"
I don't think I could say I would write a letter like that on a ship infested with cockroaches, rolling over the crazy ocean waves on my way to Japan in 1893... Reading through letters written on thin Indian paper, seeing the heart and soul behind this woman was both encouraging and convicting.
I also put up a video of Jill and I in Rome. And here are a few pictures! Love and miss you guys! I will be home in like 26
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Late Nights, Bella Calls, and Amazing Gelati...

Well, I'm back from Rome. I have a lot more pictures but here are a few... Rome was beautiful and a lovely holiday. : ) I loved the late night dinners and being able to walk all over Rome. No one eats dinner until late in Italy. Most of the time 8:30-9 and even later when its hot in the summer. I ate amazing Italian food every night and had Gelati atleast once a day...I also had some of the best coffee and chocolates I had ever had. Italy, you have so much of my heart. Well, besides the food...Jill and I went and stayed with a friend's uncle and aunt who are missionaries in Rome. They had been missionaries through the International Mission huh? So we hung out with Carrie's (our friend) uncle since her aunt was in the states. He (David) showed us good places to eat and helped us when it came to reading the map... Jill and I saw most of the major things...although we are coming back one day, to see the things we missed. It was very relaxing. Having three full days there, we had time to see things but also just walk the streets, get lost, and see what Italy is all about. I loved the busy city life, Romans walking to and from, shopping, all the motorcycles (which many driving were girls...) and the beautiful Italian men. Haha. You can't forget the tons of groups touring, all wearing matching scarfs....oh well. Sunday we went to David's church. It is a "multicultural church" so it was great. Tons of people from all over the world, sitting in church in Rome. They were celebrating their African Fellowship that day. So we had great music and an African lunch. Jill and I also met three Christian girls (picture above). The blonde is from Finland working in Rome and the other two are Americans studying in Rome. So we all went out to eat our last night in Rome together. It was really fun. Overall, the time there was pretty much perfect. A few blisters from walking so much, but we connected fine on all of our flights and buses on the way there and back. My time in Rome was so fun and also very beautiful. I threw my coin in the Trevi fountain, so I will be back. The picture of the square above is the view from my window at night. Below were tons of restaurants with people eating late into the night. The picture of the church has a prison below. Its where Paul was kept and also where he wrote II Timothy. Pretty cool. Anyways, Thursday starts the first day of the last full month I'm in Ireland. I know it will go fast...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
For my Mum
Monday, October 22, 2007
Here in Northern Ireland...